What Is a Fear That We All Have?

Ryan Chilton
3 min readMar 1, 2022
📸 Ryan Chilton

The fear that pretty much all of us have that is engraved in our DNA. Yes, some people have this more than other, more so that it has a name for it but for the rest of us that have it ingrained well that means that we had to have had something that was human like to us in our history where we feared it. Idk about you but that’s u settling.

What is Automatonophobia?

Automatonophobia is a fear that your affected by human like figures. If you suffer from that fear, then you may not want to read the whole article because we will be talking about different humanlike things that may mess with your Automatonophobia.

This condition is relatively normal and pretty much everyone has hesitation, or nervousness around human like things.

With a staggering 19 million Americans that have a phobia of some kind, it’s easy to see why many people may suffer from it.

5 Things That Scare People with Automatonophobia

Wax Figures - figures made of wax that are human like, and human sized but made entirely out of wax. There are wax figure museums for those that enjoy the wax figures and many other not wax museum places for the affected individuals to go to. There is just something about those soul less eyes that get to me.



Ryan Chilton

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